Signs you’re ready for marriage (not just a wedding)

If you’re dreaming of beautiful dresses, gathering family and friends for a big celebration, and even the honeymoon, have you ever pictured what happens next? The wedding is a celebration, however, your marriage needs to be strong enough to last a lifetime.

Don’t consider getting married because your friends are getting married or because your parents want you to. Outside circumstances may make you feel like you want to get married, but these reasons aren’t indicators that you’re ready for marriage. After all, it is a lifelong commitment that will change your life and will also dictate the generations to come. Determining whether or not you’re ready for marriage is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. So, how do you decide if you’re *actually* ready for it or not? We’ve compiled six signs to help you decide if you’re ready to tie the knot.

  • Exes and unintentional encounters don’t interest you anymore: You have zero interest in going back to your ex or even proving to them that you’ve moved on. Your focus is set on the present and future, and you have no desire to invest time in individuals unsure of their own desires.

  • You know and like yourself: You've delved into your psyche, you have a good understanding of yourself, and you love your own company. 

  • You know what you're looking for in a partner: You can define the values and traits that matter, distinguish non-negotiables from what you dislike, and have a clear vision of your ideal partner. It’s not about the superficial traits anymore but caring more about what’s on the inside. How someone makes you feel, which side of you comes out when you’re with that person.

  • Financial stability: When to get married should be determined not just by the state of your mind but also by your situation in life and career. Your professional life is on track, and you've achieved a level of financial stability, providing a sense of security. Self-reliance ensures a smooth transition from single to married life and better financial compatibility in marriage.

  • Realistic expectations: You understand that nobody is perfect and you are comfortable revealing your flaws in front of your partner and are ready to accept your partner with their flaws. Your focus is on building a strong relationship, not seeking perfection.

  • You have a full life: Your life is fulfilling on its own, and you're not seeking a partner to fill a void. Instead, you're excited about the prospect of sharing your happiness and experiences with a life companion.

Weddings are a blast, but a marriage takes work! One of the vital signs you are ready for marriage is that you are excited not just about having a partner but becoming a good partner and genuinely excited for a companion for life.

If you have these signs mentioned in this blog, you can start your journey to finding your life partner with Verona. Join the waitlist and start your journey today.

About Verona

Verona is a matchmaking platform that helps dynamic, successful Indians around the world find compatible life partners. We also make this process delightful. Our members are educated at the world’s top universities, accomplished in their careers, and seek excellence in all areas of life. Apply for membership at 


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